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ये ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई

Mommy is tired of this online study

 Mommy is cooked, due to this online education ||

 Don't know when our kids will go to school again
 These thinking years have passed, this online study.
 TV, mobile and computer games are just left
 Don't know how long the poor mummies will be in jail.

 Children's 'on' came out of this online study
 Mommy is cooked, due to this online education ||

 Whenever you see yourself connected to online
 Don't know what today's children think of themselves?
 On hearing the name of reading, we talk about studying online.
 God knows how many games are played under the guise of this online.

 Neither the right time for work, in this online study
 Mommy is cooked, in this online study ||

 Never ask young children, is very happy not going to school
 Waking up in the morning at your own pace, like weary all night.
 Say one thing, don't tell anyone
 Mmmiya did not sleep any less, in this online study.

 Frankly, everyone will remember this online study
 Will repeat this online study from time to time ||


  1. अच्छी रचना है आज के परिपेक्षमें, ओनलाइन ज़माना आ गया है


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